Last Month, we had the chance to work on several audio projects, based on the tiny NanoPi NEO SBC from FriendlyArm, which features 256/512MB RAM AllWinner H3 Quad core CPU and it is supported in Buldroot and Linux Kernel version 4.14.
For one of the projects that we used to work on , we had to increase the maximum sampling rate of the SPDIF interface of the NanoPi Neo / H3 , to support higher Sampling rates – above 48KHz ( which was the maximum sampling rate in the SPDIF Kernel driver for H3 in Linux Kernel 4.14 ) and to implement AirPlay (via ShairPort-Sync) and DLNA ( via upmpd-cli ) Media Renderer on the NanoPI, using the SPDIF audio interface as audio output, turning the NanoPi NEO into a Hi-Res Network Audio Media Renderer
We have patched the driver to support higher sampling rates of up to 768KHz , 24bits and we have designed a HAT ( NanoHat-SPDIF – Open Source Software and Open Source Hardware addon board for NanoPi NEO / NEO2) in order to prove the concept and to publish the technical solution in our GitHub repository
In addition, we have provided the schematics, buildroot source code and sdcard images for other people to try the solution or if they develop similar Hi-Res Audio Products to ease their work and give them a starting point.
In addition to the above we have provided also an Eagle footprint for NanoPi NEO / NEO 2 hats (in the above GitHub repository) . In case some of you develop a custom addon boards for NanoPi NEO / NEO2 the above should help you and speed up your design.
The NanoPi NEO SPDIF HAT is available for purchase from the links below:
- NanoHat-Spdif – SPDIF HAT / ADDON Board for NanoPI NEO / NEO2
- Tindie https://www.tindie.com/products/irdroid/nanohat-spdif-hi-res-spdif-hat-for-nanopi-neo/
- Ebay – https://www.ebay.com/itm/SPDIF-HAT-for-nanoPi-NEO-NEO2/254774430419?hash=item3b51bd4ad3:g:CdYAAOSw21pfqqcO
- Amazon – https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08NHDTMTL
You can read more about the NanoPi NEO / NEO2 Eagle FootPrint, by following the link below: